MentorKids USA - iLEAD

The iLEAD Launch Scholarship was created to support students that have completed the iLEAD program after graduation as they pursue their college and career goals. Students can earn up to $2000 and are required to obtain 2 letters of recommendation.

To earn this scholarship, students must meet the following criteria:

• Attend at least 75% of iLEAD Launch sessions (6 per year for 2 years)
• Graduate from high school
• Volunteer for 2 MentorKids USA community engagement events per academic year (at least 2 hours at each event) – ideally at least 1 event per semester
• Completed the iLEAD Program Tier 1- 4
• Models iLEAD core values (personal responsibility, respect for everyone, service towards others and perseverance) in their school, family and community.

Supplemental Questions
  1. iLead Apply Questions
    • Explain what you plan to use the scholarship money for.
    • Have you applied for any College, University or Technical School scholarships? If so, list as many as you can remember.
    • High School Graduation date
    • How many years were you enrolled in the iLEAD program?
    • If not, explain below:
    • List any academic honors or awards while in high school: (use a separate sheet if necessary)
    • List your favorite work activities as an iLEADer.
    • List your hobbies, outside interests, extracurricular activities, and school related volunteer activities.
    • List your MK sponsored volunteer activities in the community.
    • List your non- MK sponsored volunteer activities in the community.
    • Listed are the minimum requirements for the iLEAD Alumni Scholarship. Do you meet these criteria?
    • What college/university/trade school will you attend? If you don’t plan to attend school, what will you do instead?