All Opportunities

Welcome to the Dougherty Foundation Scholarship Opportunities Homepage.

Below are the applications that you have submitted (or could consider submitting) for scholarships. Find the thumbnail for the appropriate award, and keep your submissions up to date. If you change your intended major, or college/university, it is important for you to update your application, as your responses qualify you for different scholarships. Please pay close attention to what our questions are asking, and complete your applications to the best of your ability. Good luck!

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
Varies Carolyn Warner Legacy Scholarship Award - Supporting Career and Technical Education Pathways
Founder of Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates (JAG), Carolyn Warner...
Varies Graciela Garcia Candia President's Philanthropy Scholarship
Graciela Garcia Candia, in her role as President of Jobs for Arizona’s...
$2,000 MentorKids USA - iLEAD
The iLEAD Launch Scholarship was created to support students that have...
Varies Camp Catanese Foundation Scholarship
Since its start, the Camp Catanese Foundation has awarded over 400...
$1,250.00 Harrison Westerfield Scholarship
The Harrison Westerfield Scholarship seeks to award students who: Are...
$2,000 New Pathways for Youth Level Up Scholarship
New Pathways for Youth (NPFY) has served young people in Phoenix since...
$500-$2,000 Dougherty Foundation Scholarship
Recipients of the Dougherty Foundation Scholarship will: Be Arizona...